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I am not a morning person, but hold your horses!! The truth is I feel indifferent about mornings. I would not say I am most productive in the morning; however, waking up early is inevitable due to my commitments and adulting in general.
I am a night owl, and I love it, but I have also realised that getting up early and having a productive morning can set a positive tone for my day. As a Christian girl, starting my day with intention and purpose is essential. This guide provides practical tips and ideas for creating a productive morning rooted in our faith.

Wake Up Early

A Woman Waking Up on a Bedroom

Waking up early lets you start your day purposefully and make the most of every moment. Aim to wake up at least an hour before your work or school schedule. This will allow you time to pray, read the Bible, and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

Pray and Meditate

Start your morning with prayer. Prayer is fundamental to our faith and relationship with God. Knowing that you have spoken to your heavenly Father and committed your day to him gives you peace. This sets the tone for your day.

Read the Bible

Man Reading a Book

The Bible is a powerful source of inspiration and guidance. I must confess this is something I tend to skim over a lot, but recently, God brought my attention back to it, that I needed to spend more time reading his word and meditating on it and that has changed my approach to my morning and does set my tone for the day.

Remember to read a chapter or two before you start your day. Choose a passage that speaks to your current circumstances or helps you reflect on God’s presence and guidance.

Plan Your Day

I must confess this is something I struggled with for a long time until again, the Holy Spirit brought my attention to it. He made me realise how important planning is for me to “stay grounded” ( the exact word I heard).
I have used various notebooks and planners but never stuck to them in the long run. This year, I started using notion; I tried it a few years back, too, but I never stuck to it. This year, I have found a new love for it, and so far, I have been consistent with everything I do, from planning my content to budgeting, etc.

Take a few minutes to plan your day. Use a planner, journal, or digital app to track tasks and appointments. Prioritise your activities and set realistic goals. Ensure to include time for studying, work, extracurricular activities, and personal time.


Woman Wearing White Sleeveless Top

Physical activity benefits your physical and mental well-being. Aim to incorporate exercise into your morning routine. This could be a simple walk, a yoga session, or a workout routine. Find an activity you enjoy and make it a part of your routine.

Fuel Your Body

Start your day with a nutritious breakfast. Avoid rushing through your breakfast, and take the time to enjoy it. Eat a balanced meal with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein. This will give you the energy and focus to start your day successfully.

Prepare Your Environment

Create a conducive environment for your productive morning. Tidy up your room, organise your workspace, and remove any distractions that may hinder your focus. This includes turning off notifications on electronic devices, silencing your phone, and dedicating a quiet space for studying or working.

Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is crucial for a productive morning. Make sure to prioritise self-care activities such as getting enough sleep, drinking water, and practising relaxation techniques. Consider incorporating self-care practices such as journaling, meditation, or practising gratitude into your daily routine.

Woman Drinking Water With Lemon

A productive morning as a Christian girl begins with setting the right tone for the day ahead. By incorporating prayer, reading the Bible, planning your day, exercising, fueling your body, and preparing your environment, you can create a routine to help you make the most of your morning. Remember to incorporate self-care practices into your routine as well. Start your day with intention and trust in God’s guidance, and you’ll find that your mornings are more productive and fulfilling.

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