Ephesians 4:2 was the bible verse from my devotional today.
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. (NLT)
After reading the devotional about loving everybody, especially the unlovable, I said to myself “ You know what, I don’t understand love”.
It’s ironic because a week ago, I just hosted a radio talk. The talk was about love; I defined what love is to me, gave some examples on how to show love and now here I am saying “I don’t understand love”.
Today is not the first time I read Ephesians 4:2, nor is it the first time I have read about loving the unlovable. However, there was something about reading it today that made me put my hands up in the air in defeat and declaring I don’t understand love.
Shortly after, I heard something within me say; perhaps that’s what love is – you can never understand it.
It took me back to a week ago where I said; God is love, every Christian knows the famous verse (1John 4:8). The question is ;
if God is love, does anyone on this earth truly understands God? Is there one definition for God?
The answer is No.
God means different to everyone because God relates to each person is unique, He loves each one of us uniquely. The truth is no single word or sentence can fully describe God.
Proverbs 30:18-19;
18 There are three things that amaze me—
no, four things that I don’t understand:
19 how an eagle glides through the sky,
how a snake slithers on a rock,
how a ship navigates the ocean,
how a man loves a woman.
From this verse, it seems to me that; even the writer (the wise Agur) doesn’t understand love too (lol).
Perhaps it is my experience, what I have heard and seen before that has made me come to that conclusion. Maybe it’s the fact that I am probably too selfish to love anyone, or I think because I like to keep to myself, I am therefore incapable of love. Perhaps it’s because you tell me to love Toxic people where all I want to do is stay away from them. I could go on and on about my shortcomings when it comes to love, something I have known for a long time is;
People define love in so many ways. We feel love in different ways.
It brings to the topic of love language (that’s not the topic for today). Thinking about it now, that’s one thing that confuses me about love.
(To be continued)