60 seconds

That song’s lyrics go like this:

Give me your eyes for just one second

Give me your eyes so I can see

Everything that I keep missing

Give me your love for humanity and so on

We live in a fast-paced world today, and because of that, we miss many things. Sometimes we could find ourselves looking at the same thing for time on end and still miss it. Thanks to social media, something that would have taken hours to explain or show? Now we see it or want it in less than a minute. I fall into that trap often these days.

Don’t get me wrong, I sometimes enjoy these short videos like the next person; they are very entertaining. However, as Christians, our call exceeds far beyond that. It cannot be done or summarised in less than 60 seconds. However, 60 seconds can be vital and change a person’s life (medics will tell you that). We are talking about real-life situations here, not the over-edited, 60 seconds video that probably took hours to shoot and just as much to edit and has been sitting in your drafts for days, waiting for the most appropriate moment to share it. It is 60 seconds, miss it or lose it, real-life situations that change a life. Now you may think we can’t do much in 60 seconds, but here are a few seamless efforts you can do in 60 seconds and can be life-transforming;

A smile, saying hello, asking how you’re doing. (I mean intentionally asking), saying you’re beautiful/handsome or just complimenting a stranger, sharing/reposting an inspirational post, Bible verse, etc.

But above all of that, here’s what I want you to do, Pray that God should give you eyes to see people, sometimes all it takes is a few seconds to look at someone and tell what’s wrong with them; this is what we do when we judge people by appearance, so let’s go far beyond that, truly see people and love people accordingly.

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