Ever felt like you have nothing to offer the world?
Perhaps you need to redefine what the world is to you. There was something I read on the internet, it says; “ there are over 60 billion people in the world why let one person ruin your day “. You see the truth of the matter is, it only takes one person to ruin your day if you let it and it also takes one person to make your day.
Change your perspective!
The world for you could just be one person. When I write my poems or blogs, the thoughts sometimes come to me that “what if people don’t like it and I am just wasting my time, then the spirit says to me but “ someone will read this and find it very helpful and at the end of the day you have touched someone’s life”. From then on I changed my perspective, it always starts with one, amidst all my insecurities I always think about that one person that needs to hear or see this today.
Think about that one person that you would change their life today.