Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
Sweet Memories, Precious memories
The ones we share with our loved ones; family & friends
aaah! where would we be without them
Not all memories are precious and sweet
there are bad ones as well
We sometimes want to forget them
But what we do forget is
Without the bad ones, we would not have the good ones
Our memories make us who we are
They make us appreciate ourselves,
What we’ve got,
The stage we are in life
Most of all,
The one who gave us those memories
And then,
They give us hope & dreams for the future
Our memories are our treasures
We keep them so we don’t lose them
Some wear them as a locket everyday
Some keep them in their purses or wallets
Some in their jewellery box
Some in a storage box under their bed or in their wardrobes
And some in their hearts
Sometimes it is the simplest thing that triggers a memory
A picture, a jewellery, a book and sometimes even a word
…………to be continued………….